In the realm of NFT creation, I find immense joy as I embark on this creative journey. My approach to crafting NFTs is free from the constraints of rules or financial aspirations; rather, it serves as a captivating experiment, a delightful hobby, and a pathway to self-fulfillment. This artistic process becomes a canvas for both learning and profound philosophizing.

For those who may be exploring the world of NFTs for the first time, I extend an invitation to discover its intricacies. Understanding this vibrant space is an enchanting expedition, and I assure you, it's not as complex as it may seem. If you're curious, you can delve into the essence of NFTs and unravel the beauty that lies within this captivating digital art form.

NFT Collections

It has no message, you just gotta love it!

Year: 2023

This collection emerged from a contemplation of the very essence of abstract art. A sudden realization dawned upon me – abstract art, in its purest form, transcends the need for meaning or intellectual interpretation. It's a realm where one is invited to embrace what they see and feel, allowing emotions to take center stage. My collection embodies this philosophy; it's an invitation to appreciate without the pressure to uncover a hidden subject. So, whether it resonates with you or not, the ultimate goal is simple: relish the experience. Your liking or not liking it is entirely yours, and I encourage you to just revel in the enjoyment it brings.

Check out the entire Collection, or collect its items on OpenSea.

Don’t you fear, but respect!

Year: 2022

A few years back, amidst the serene landscapes of Joshua Tree National Park, I received a profound piece of guidance while practicing QiGong: "Nature is not to be feared, but to be respected." Living by this guidance has woven a tapestry of mindfulness into my daily existence. It's a reminder that the natural world, far from being harmful or perilous, is a realm that thrives on mutual respect. This philosophy has not only shaped my experiences but has also deepened my connection with the intricate dance of life within nature. If there's more you'd like to share or explore about this transformative guidance, feel free to do so!

Check out the entire Collection, or collect its items on OpenSea.


Year: 2021

In the gentle embrace of meditation, I've come to acknowledge the profound challenge of maintaining focus—a realization with dual implications. Firstly, a mind in constant turmoil denies itself the rest it deserves, hindering the blossoming of creative ideas. Secondly, perpetual distraction, an ever-present companion, leads us away from the richness of the present moment. Often, solutions quietly await our notice, obscured by the noise.
This collection emerges as a purposeful response, a guide tailored to nurture focus. It's an artistic sanctuary crafted not just to ease the strain on a restless mind but to illuminate the path towards clarity.

Check out the entire Collection, or collect its items on OpenSea.