360° Digital Object Viewer

Digital Exhibit Enhancement

Responsibilities: Project Manager, Graphic Designer
Year: From 2010

About the Enhancement: The principle of this enhancement was that when we move a QR code in front of a fixed (QR code reader) camera, in every moment our camera captures essentially a different image of the same QR code according to the angle in which the code is held relative to the camera (because the camera will see the same code in different “distortions” according to the angle of incidence).
The software we have developed assigns a “photo” of the QR code from a specific angle to a digital photo of the artwork from the same angle, which is then displayed on a screen.
Thus, by rotating the QR code in front of the camera, the object on the screen also rotates in sync (that is, if we turn the code to the right, the object turns to the right; if you zoom in on the code, the object will zoom in as well, meaning get closer, etc.).
At the exhibitions, with the help of a palm-sized card or cube (on which the QR code was affixed) the previously digitized in 3D artifact could be viewed and controlled (rotated, zoomed, etc.) on the screen.
This digital enhancement has been developed so that museum visitors can view the artifacts up close and in detail from all sides, which would not otherwise have been possible, especially if the artifact was very small or in a show-case.


Virtuosos Talent Show


Interactive Floor